Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4

Today, I remembered to bring the camera with me out to the bus stop. This was good, the light was filtered nicely and I experimented with white balance per a friend's recommendation.
However, it was freezing so I didn't take too many pictures.
I never notice this stupid thing that the previous owners of the house put up at the bottom of the drive, but in the stark winter morning light, I kind of like it--you'll likely see it again.

I also managed to snap a few of Kaylee before she hopped on the bus--which had been the intention, but I didn't have time to fiddle with anything or experiment, I do like the light on her face though!

While I am already somewhat frustrated with my photographic inabilities (why I am not professional yet, its been 4 days! ;) I really like this 'resolution' for what it is making me notice in my own little corner of the world. Light, color, nuance...even if I fail miserably, taking little moments to notice these things has been great.


  1. Love the lantern shot - will make a great theme for the different seasons! Wait til there is snow - then new buds in the spring! perfect little fond;)

    I also like the sun on kaylee's face that is the first thing I noticed -
