Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23--2 Very Different Pictures

So, this is the picture I snapped this morning as snow was falling down, 4x magnification--still working on this, but still kind of cool.

Not loving my snowflakes, but having lost the day, I was stuck with trying to find something I could photo indoors at, since Grant is back on OT, Petra can't seem to not blink--even with no flash, Loofy it is! Kinda creepy, kinda cool--10x!

Sorry no pics of the kiddos today, I have to follow my blogname sometimes:)


  1. Maybe it's not "perfect" or to your liking, but I really do like the photograph of the snowflakes!! Awesome!

  2. Thank you. The snowflake picture has grown on me over the past couple of days. I didn't like it the day I took it, but as I go through all my photos to archive them, I am enjoying it more.
