So again, we will go with what we got...
Here is the little Lion...crawling so fast these days. Its only been a couple of weeks, but he's starting to get things. He knows when something is too far away from where he is standing and he'll lower himself ungracefully down and then zip over to what he wants on all 4s. Far less whining from him, far more winning for me!

This next series of photos was taken over 2 days...but you'll see the theme pretty quickly. The first 3 were taken today.
Here are Petra and Loofy being very attentive...

Oh! Of course, food!
Here are Leo and Loofy being very attentive to Rowan...again, food = attentive!
This photo reminded me of a few I had taken 2 days ago...

I was cleaning the toilet and I looked out of the bathroom door to see basically this scene. Now by the time I had cleaned my hands and gotten my camera it wasn't quite what I had hoped, but I am sure you get the gist.
The way to a dog's heart...
My goal for the weekend is to take at least 2 pictures a day that I actually really like as opposed to the last 2 days where I have posted out of necessity and not desire. Luckily, we have a few things going on this weekend that might work in my favor for this goal!
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