I actually took a lot of good pictures today. Of course, a close friend's 6th birthday party is a veritable playground of opportunity...which I seized.
I wish I could say, I knew what I was doing. For some shots I did, they came out as I intended and hoped, some were dumb luck, some came out terrible (when I don't think they should have) and still more opportunities were missed because I didn't actually change my settings to what I had intended. Kids move too fast, dagnabit.
However, viewing 211 photos and sorting them and trying to identify the best ones is very difficult and time consuming, I don't think I can do any more tonight.
And, while I choose to safely assume that my friends have consented to allow me to post their children's likeness on my little blog here, I choose to make no such assumption otherwise...and there were a fair number of children there that I only know in passing or plain just don't know at all. I therefore am limiting my postings to those pictures which contain ONLY children who my children play with on a weekly basis! And of that number, we only have the ones I have sorted already this evening.
So after a not-so-brief rambling introduction, I give you: Jordyn's Birthday Party:
Here is the birthday girl!

This is our playgroup, all playing happily at their friend's party!

Here are a few of my solo favorites, but again, I haven't sorted them all, this is just what I can do before I drag my old-lady butt to bed!


Alessandra (aka Tocky)



That's it, that's all I can do. I hope to have as many photo opportunities this week, as I had in just 1 hour or so today!