Saturday, April 5, 2014

Just some photos, I can't keep up!

I am no longer even going to try to pay homage to the idea of getting a photo a day up here, I  can't do it, I frankly don't want to.  I am taking part in a photography challenge this month, so there might be more material than there has been the last month or so.  But I know there are some who rely on this blogs for updates, so here's a few:
Tonight after dinner, the family went on a little walk around the block!
 Or, in Number 1 and 2's case--a scoot around the block!

 Number 2 is SOOOOOO photogenic sometimes!!
 Number 1 thought that this puddle looked like a beautiful pond with lily pads...I took a pic to appease her, not expecting to like it at all when downloaded--but I did.
 My photography challenge issued this: "Clouds" a couple of days ago when there obviously not a cloud to be had--but had it been today's challenge, I would have been able to submit this, which I like!
 Yesterday's challenge?  Something green! This was easy since it was Red Sox Home opening day (they lost, but who cares--that's actually a good sign this early in the season!) Number 1 offered to model the Green Monster hat!
 Finally able to play outside, although the snow melt is not all gone yet!
 Number 3, Number 2 and friend made me some delicious slush soup on Thursday...yummmmmmmy!!!