Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 333--Frozen

Letting the dogs out in the morning has gotten dangerous!

Day 332--Farm Equipment

Expect this rust bucket to become my new lantern, it lives in the jungle where it can't be seen during the summer, but I can see it now, and there is something I can do with it, I know it, I just don't quite know what it is yet, stay tuned!

Day 331--Leo "Bus Come"

So when my cell phone alarm goes off at 3pm, Leo imperiously points to the door and shouts, "Bus Come" You tell 'em kiddo. It was cold, Rowan opted to wait for big big sissie inside on Monday!

Day 330--Home from Moms Weekend!

I didn't take a picture of day 3 on our weekend, so I panicked when I got home...but I figured I'd tell you what my nighttime routine looks like these days, my iphone's sleep machine app, a heating pad, and my kindle. Not pictured is the diazepam which I am sure I am addicted to by now. Sigh, Dear back: please get better, NOW!

Day 329--Moms Weekend, Day 2

So here's the food we ate for 'dinner' on the 2nd one is proud of this, and to our credit we didn't come close to eating it all:
While Mommy was away with her friends, the girls were having fun at our town's holiday fair...thanks to Grammy, Grampy, Auntie Diana...and obviously, Daddy!!!!!

Day 328--Moms Weekend, Day 1

Went away for the weekend with friends, didn't bring the camera, but did bring the phone, we had this alcohol and more in the fridge to start the weekend off, I think maybe 1 bottle of wine came home?

Day 327--Happy Thanksgiving!

My kids looked cute, but we were rushing out the door to get to CT and I wanted to get some pics of the 3 of them before their outfits got all dirty, kinda sad that this is what I came up with, but whatevs! Also the 2nd pic on the top...Leo's expression is hysterical to me!

Day 326--Its beginning to look a lot like...

I have holly berry bushes outside my front door. On the first frost they inspired me to see what I could do.

Day 325--a Leo theme

Tuesday mornings are for Leo! He has a little playgroup, and it was our turn to host, although not everyone could come that day. They are starting to get bigger and really interact more, so here is Leo with his good friend Liam, who lives just a few doors away which will be nice as he grows up and Caroline who says he is a nice boy, which is high praise indeed!
Later that day, Leo climbed up on a "brock" with his "big sissie" to wait for his "big big sissie" to get off the bus. Yes, that is what he calls them! Who needs names?

Day 324--Let sleeping dogs lie...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 323--Homemade Donuts!

My gym instructor gave my family donuts (seems counter-intuitive, but they were/are delicious so I am not complaining--and neither are the kiddos!) Thanks Heidi!

Day 322--Xmas Card preview!

I took some pictures in anticipation of making Holiday cards soon! Lots more, but here are a few cuties!

Day 321--Bus Stop with Friends

A few friends came over before schoool (their Mom had an appointment!) and Kaylee was so excited to be able to get on the bus with her friends!!!

Day 320--Leo!


Day 319--Rowan & Lexi

Rowan had a mini-playdate with her friend, Lexi. They danced and watched a show!
Lexi wanted her picture taken, Ro did not.

Day 318--Sunset from the back porch


Day 317--Blah

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 316--21 months!

Well, after taking tons of pics yesterday and knowing I still wasn't caught up on the blog, I fell back on the cell phone camera again. My little guy is 21 months today! And I...well, I am officially caught up on the blog, hurray!!!!!

Day 315--Photo shoot, Holiday Style!

Too many pics to go through, but I really wanted to get caught up, so here are just a few that I liked!

Day 314--Petra

Back to having fun experimenting with light with my pups in the window sill! They both think they're cats!

Day 313--Turkey Homework

Both Kaylee & Rowan had turkey themed homework this week, so we all worked on it together and helped each other out. Kaylee had to give Tom the Turkey a disguise (pepperoni pizza is what she chose) and Rowan had to make an original turkey! We had lots of fun!

Day 312--Dinner

Pork Fried Rice, it's whats for dinner!

Day 311--A phone pic, again!

Sorry folks, sometimes its a PITA to lug the thing out, especially when I have to hide it from Leo these days. Besides, this opportunity would not have been possible with the big gun. I had to blow the bubbles and take the picture!

Day 310--Turkey Craft

The day was very busy, and despite a plethora of opportunities to take out my camera, I just didn't, but I did take a pic with my phone of the craft we did with friends!

Day 309--Overexposed

Being rather perturbed at the overexposed team and trophy shots, I decided to work with that concept, albeit briefly and force myself to take a picture with very harsh lighting! I didn't get exactly what I was hoping to, but I still learned a bit and hope to explore this a little more before year's end.

Day 308--Last Day of Soccer

Not satisfied with pictures at the 2nd to last weekend of soccer, I brought my camera with me again for my last chance. I did better this time, but somehow managed to forget to change my settings during the team pictures and trophy pictures, for BOTH kids! Grrrrrr

Day 307--Best Friends

Uninspired, taken with my phone, but I love the sentiment, I hope they are always best friends!

Day 306--Kaylee's School Halloween Party!

Rowan, Leo and I went to Kaylee's classroom to help set up and carry-out a Halloween themed craft and party, lots of fun to see my biggest in the school environment!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 305--Hurricane Sandy, Day 3--Just Kidding: Halloween!

Starting to catch up finally! Trust me I have been taking the pictures, but the computers were off line with the hurricane for a while and then our anti-virus ran out and we had to shut down while we waited for the new ones blah blah blah. Anyway, October is officially caught up now and I will attempt to get up to date through where we are in November later tonight!
For now, Happy Halloween!

I am the mom of superheroes!!!!
Our trick-or-treating crew:)

Day 304--Hurricane Sandy, Day 2

So on day 2 with no power, I decided I was going to try my luck in taking a picture by candle light. And then I ended up just taking about 20 pictures of the candle itself, but I think this one is my favorite. This is completely unedited, but at some point I will likely edit it just a touch and add some spiritual saying, you know, to ruin it.

Day 303--Hurricane Sandy, Day 1

We lost power in the early afternoon, I realized at 5ish that I hadn't taken a picture. You get what you get and you don't get upset!

Day 302--A Happy Halloween Party!

Nuff said!

Day 301--Soccer

Saturday mornings in the fall means soccer for the girls! But man it was cold!!!