Saturday, April 5, 2014

Just some photos, I can't keep up!

I am no longer even going to try to pay homage to the idea of getting a photo a day up here, I  can't do it, I frankly don't want to.  I am taking part in a photography challenge this month, so there might be more material than there has been the last month or so.  But I know there are some who rely on this blogs for updates, so here's a few:
Tonight after dinner, the family went on a little walk around the block!
 Or, in Number 1 and 2's case--a scoot around the block!

 Number 2 is SOOOOOO photogenic sometimes!!
 Number 1 thought that this puddle looked like a beautiful pond with lily pads...I took a pic to appease her, not expecting to like it at all when downloaded--but I did.
 My photography challenge issued this: "Clouds" a couple of days ago when there obviously not a cloud to be had--but had it been today's challenge, I would have been able to submit this, which I like!
 Yesterday's challenge?  Something green! This was easy since it was Red Sox Home opening day (they lost, but who cares--that's actually a good sign this early in the season!) Number 1 offered to model the Green Monster hat!
 Finally able to play outside, although the snow melt is not all gone yet!
 Number 3, Number 2 and friend made me some delicious slush soup on Thursday...yummmmmmmy!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18th--Day 49--A Little Respite

What can be better than a little Wreck-it Ralph on this early release day? How about a snuggle?!
I will take it.  The joy in everything--even a movie!

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17th--Day 48--Another Day, Another Party

So since there was no school on Friday, Valentine's Day (as far as the school was concerned) was celebrated today.  Number 2 took great care to include Number 3 in her class' activities.  I was so proud of her!  I am not sure how to teach empathy, I just really hope it sticks with all of my children.  The grace in putting others' comforts and well-being first is crucial.
Number 2 and one of the friends she talks about all the time!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16th--Day 47--Celebrating Others

Number 1 and 2 got to go to another birthday party today!
When you are young it is so easy to celebrate others.  You get cake and/or ice cream, some fun games and maybe even a small parting gift.  As we get older, it is perhaps not as clear but even more important that we take the time to celebrate the ones we love, for them, but also for us!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15th--Day 46--Birthday Party

First, a family picture to remember the Grace for the month--the fun in each moment, it might not mean much to me--but who knows what they remember!  Make it all count!
Also today was Number 3's birthday party.  He had so much fun with his little friends.  Here's he and his little buddy Andrew!
And here are a few other shots from the birthday!
He had a great time, and that's all that matters!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13th--Day 44--Number 1

She had a tough couple of days at school but she smiled through it. I could learn quite a bit from my eldest if I could just slow down and appreciate things for what they are and not what I wish they were!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12th--Day 43--Amaryllis

The bloom against the snow--what could be a bigger example of grace against all odds?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11th--Day 42--Happy Birthday

A little break in our regularly scheduled programming to say Happy 3rd Birthday to Number 3!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10th--Day 41--Me & My Girls

I am trying to be happier, that is the whole point here for so many reasons including leading by example! I am making an effort to insert myself in more pictures, not for me, God knows I struggle to see me, but He also knows I don't want that for them!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9th--Day 40--A Family Affair

My husband and I often talk about leading by example.  It is just as important that our children see us enjoying our own reading as it is to read to them.  Still when we can all enjoy a book together--everybody wins!
We have to take the time to find the grace in time with each other.  You can't force a moment to mean something special, but every moment can have special meaning.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8th--Day 39--Valentine's

The girls spent the morning talking about the things they like about each person in their class as they made their Valentine's.  I can't imagine what has more grace than identifying a reason to love each person you know.

Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7th--Day 38--Sweetheart Dance

The annual Sweetheart Dance at school, Daddy brought his dates flowers and the whole 9 yards.  I don't feel I need to explain the grace in fatherhood, and no one does it like my husband; he is amazing in every way!
The girls even got to have a little promenade down the stairs.  They were thrilled.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6th--Day 37--Silence

There is nothing quite like the silence that early morning snow cover leaves.  It is what I think of when the reference "the silence was deafening" is made.  It is true!
Also, what on earth made this track in my new fallen snow??

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5th--Day 36--Snow Day Pajama Party

So today is a snow day! I was promptly handed our itinerary by Number 1.  It didn't go exactly as planned but we had a lot of fun! There is grace in childhood, in having fun, in embracing silly and in rolling on the might have to just take my word on that last one!
We made chocolate chip pancakes, and apple chips and we watched a movie (and made sure our friends did too!)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4th--Day 35--Popcorn

Have you ever really watched popcorn popping, it is really cool! It also really warms a camera lens!

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3rd--Day 34--Gymnastics

Gymnastics is a demanding activity--pulling your body towards a grace with itself.  You've got to work as a unit, graceful in multiple ways to make it work!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2nd--Day 33--Petra

My first baby.  She's getting long in the tooth these days, but has always defined canine (I actually just wrote and had to delete feline because she really is quite cat-like too) grace for me. So here she is, Petra, defining grace in stillness, age, dog-dom--take your pick!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1st--Day 32--Friends/Grace1

OK, so now it is February and I am taking on something slightly different.  Since this project is to keep me involved with my camera as well as boost a positive life outlook, I have decided to make February's theme: "Grace."  Now this will likely be difficult, Grace is difficult because I am not just talking about a synonym for elegance or poise.  I am taking about finding Grace in our lives, in our friends, in our environment in our relationship with our family with our homes and neighborhoods and world.  Often lately, an acquaintance has used the term in ways I never would have thought about and he's right.  And recently, I was told a story about a situation that lacked Grace is all aspects.  We need to be good to each other, and to our planet and personally I think a step we could all take to get there is to live our lives with more Grace. Grace is lacking everywhere and certainly I am no exception.  So this month I am going to use my camera to try to find Grace in everyday, big or small, it is there, we just have to find it, recognize it and appreciate it.
Today's found Grace? Number 3's simple love of his friend (ok and his toys!)  We were at a birthday party and his interactions were (by in large) full of Grace, full of appreciation, full of wonder at everything he got to experience.  We are talking simple experiences here: cake, different trucks than those at home and jumping on the bed with his buddy. But his full enjoyment and joy in each moment were full of Grace.

Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31st--Day 31--Feet!

It's January 31st and Number 3 refuses, always refuses to wear shoes.  The hardwood floors are cold, I mean really cold, but he just won't wear socks or slippers etc.  It's not a battle I am willing to wage, because I will lose spectacularly.  (For those that might be concerned, remember when the heat when out and the house was not just cold but actually freezing?  He did ask for his slippers then, so he does have a threshold, which makes me feel more comfortable in my decision to NOT choose this war.)
So anyway, today I am thankful for piggies!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30th--Day 30--Mail (take 2)

Now it is Number 3's turn to enjoy his Christmas present from Meme!
So today I am thankful for some timely new reading material! Number 3 was thrilled to have his own 'zine.'

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29th--Day 29--Snuggles

I love that Number 3 requests to snuggle at tv time. This actually inhibits me from getting household stuff done during the ideal opportunity, however I recognize that snuggle requests will not last forever so I will enjoy them while I can!
So today I am thankful for snuggles!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28th--Day 28--Eat the Rainbow!

Sometimes cooking is more fun (and pretty) than other times.
Today I am thankful that my children occasionally like the healthier options I am attempting more frequently.

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27th--Day 27--Simplicity

This the same image just with a HDR filter laid on the top one to show the 2 similar colors more in contrast. Number 2 took all the regular cushions off of the sofa and dragged the Yogibo (read: giant bean bag) onto it instead. "It's more comfortable." Well, duh!
Today I am thankful for the simplicity of a child's solution to a (admittedly probably nonexistent) problem!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26th--Day 26--Playdates!

Number 1 had 2 little friends from her class over today.  Their teacher had mentioned a couple of times how well they got along together and so I decided to give them a little outside of school chance to play.  They had a great time and I can't wait to do it again!
Today I am grateful for new friends for the kiddos and for me too!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 25th--Day 25--A Black Cat

We did some visiting today and MIL has a black cat named Zeke. I don't love cats, but he was a very nice boy to put up with the general commotion my gaggle heralded upon his usually tranquil environment.
So today, I am thankful for the chance to photograph a cat while not having to own one!
Also I thought the birds outside looked like they wanted to have their picture taken as well!

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 24th--Day 24--What Snowmen Do At Night, Part 2

Come on that's just kind of cool!
This is a stretch, for the thankful project but it's all I have for today and it really is cool! I've never seen snowmen do this! When we built them on Sunday, they were standing tall, now they are complete arch ways! Science and nature are cool. Full stop. And yeah, I am still a nerd-girl;)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23rd--Day 23--What Snowmen Do At Night, Part 1

Our snowmen are falling and we are pretty sure they won't get up!
Today I am grateful for the opportunity to discuss gravity and melting and other fun things with my kiddos! Also sort of looking forward to seeing if the backbend will actually come to complete fruition!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22nd--Day 22--Haircut!

That's it, I've had it, it's time for a haircut!!
Today I am thankful that Number 3 chose to behave while his mother was wielding various sharp instruments around his head! Ha!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21st--Day 21--The Local Library

Number 2 just is loving to build these days. We visited our library and she had some fun building!
Today, I am grateful that the world is Number 2's oyster: maybe she will be an architect or a structural engineer:)

Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20th--Day 20--Beauty in Nature

I really just had fun in the early morning playing with the camera, and the trees!
Today I am grateful for the white blanket, if only for a moment, and the beauty and serenity it creates.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 19th--Day 19--More Snow Play!

I love that all 3 of the kids can play in the snow now, Number 3 doesn't last very long, but is easily convinced to at least play the requisite 20 minutes required for hot cocoa consumption.  The other 2 can play quite a while!!
Today, I am grateful again for things that don't have screens that make my kids play happily and together!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 18th--Day 18--Disney on Ice

This is an easy one, I took the girls to see Disney on Ice with some friends!
So today, we are grateful to be able to go on special adventures with friends. The 4 of them had a great time.