Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16, January 16th

A snow day! Hooray, we made a snow family :)

Day 15, January 15th

Sorry, I was uninspired...the girls made this on Sunday (because after Christmas these things go on sale super cheap, so I decided to take a picture before trashing the thing!)

Day 14, January 14th

These are the kiddos...eating the counter.

Day 13, January 13th

After a quick break for a photo shoot at the gym, I had to investigate flames again, especially since we lit our fireplace for the first time so we could snuggle up to watch the playoff game!

Day 12, January 12th

My gym had its quarterly launch on Saturday...all 3 classes had new material, tons of fun!

Sh'bam 10



I really do love my gym!

Day 11, January 11th

A follow up to yesterday's interesting experiment!

Day 10, January 10th

The same basic set of images, first natural light...
Next with front flash!

Day 9, January 9th

Rowan beat me fair and square at her favorite game!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8, January 8th

Babies on a couch strike again!
Wow, they are all getting big!

Day 7, January 7th

This is not so much a great picture as an exercise in stealth. I made my settings from my porch and then quietly tried to sneak down my back stairs, then I took a picture, I took a step and then fired a shot, took another step and then fired another shot. I think I made it 4 steps before he flew away the last bird flew away! I really wanted to get his cardinal buddy but he flew away as soon as the door opened so I never even got a chance.

Day 6, January 6th

We didn't used to have icicles, now we do.
And now our giant icicle is literally hanging on by an icicle!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 5, January 5th

I may update this post later with more photos; I took a good number of decent pictures at a little friend's birthday party today, but I just edited all of yesterday gymnastics pictures and I just don't feel like taking this on right now, so just to be up to date, here is another stunner by my photogenic middle child:

Day 4, January 4th

I took advantage of Grant's off-Friday and took some pictures of Rowan's class at gymnastics without having to worry about Leo.
My photogenic little sassypants!
A cute but very small class!

Day 3, January 3rd

This isn't a good picture, I took it on my phone, but at least it is a picture. And it captures the sentiment of the day. Rowan had to go to the bathroom, so she asked for a "gleaming white" piece of paper (read: piece of computer printer paper) and made a sign so that Leo would not touch her tower in her absence...

Day 2, January 2nd

For Christmas my uncle gave each of the kids this pretty cool top thing that plays this really awful version of a really awful song that I can't even remember but I know that I know it...The kids are obsessed, who wouldn't be, it lights up, it spins, it makes Mommy's head hurt...and only one has broken so far...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1, January 1st

OK, I am not saying I am totally committed to this yet, but I seem to have had a pretty good thing going here, so why not continue...especially since I just got a new piece of equipment that should really allow me to broaden/hone some skills. So as of today, I am on track with a new project 365--with this pic of poor little Leo on the day after the party (again with no nap to speak of) he was wrecked!

Day 366--New Year's Eve Party Time!

To celebrate the end of my Project 366 we went to a party...well actually I guess it was more of a New Year's Eve thing. This is our 3rd year attending, and our friend's always do such a great job. Kids and adults alike seem to have a blast. Rowan didn't quite make it and Leo actually went to bed at 9 but woke up again at 11:56 so he did get to do the official countdown.
And that, as they say, is that :)