Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 298--Rowan's school pics!

Because Rowan's preschool class is so small, they weren't able to secure the photography studio to come out and do the pictures this year. So I volunteered.
I learned some things, like in the future I will have to make a line for myself. In some cases I came close to the child to adjust a hand position or stray hair etc and didn't back up far enough again, so I am unhappy with the non-uniform positions...still, considering the forward flash situation I am currently in: not so bad! I didn't include the individual picture of one classmate here, but it is because I don't know her family and don't feel I have the permission...everyone else, I consider a friend and therefore have no hesitation ;)

Day 297--Another project!

At the end of the night I realized I hadn't taken any pictures yet, but I had completed a project. My Cricut saved a frame I broke during the move. Yay for re-purposing!

Day 296--Petra

A non-human photo. I really liked the light here. Try to ignore the dog's nose art on the window, I swear I windex like every other day!

Day 295--My kids trying for real, part 2

2nd day of (photo)shooting my own children. It went really well. I had almost 500 pictures, which I whittled down to about 110--and of those, here are some of my favorites, in absolutely no order other than the one they were shot in.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 294--My kids trying for real, part 1

So this weekend, both on Saturday and Sunday, I decided to take 'official' photos of my children.
These are some of my favorites, in no particular order, from Saturday. In case it is not obvious, I did these while Leo was napping and they are meant to take up the official birthday photo picture frame spots!