Ok, as a tangent, I know I have a bad memory, but I really don't remember being able to see the moon during the day as a child as often as I do now. At first, I chalked this up to not being particularly observant about such things...except that I do remember seeing the moon during the day as a kid and I remember it feeling special, infrequent. Now, I feel like it occurs pretty regularly. However, when I step outside with the dogs and the moon is framed within some tree branches, it clearly needs to be photographed. I clearly don't have a lunar lens (whatever that may be) but I really do love the moon.

Moving on to the non-tangential post...here is my photo shoot today with Leo...

And, I cannot disclaim this next part enough: I did NOT take these pictures, I just made the collages. However, the juxtaposition shows me I still have plenty to learn towards my resolution goal of never having to pay for photo sessions again after 2012.

Happy Super Sunday :)
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